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Monday, May 28, 2007


Hey everyone! So, I just learned from this girl Sharlett (that I met at camp like, 2 years ago), that this guy Kurt who we both met at camp just learned that he has a brain tumor the size of an orange that has been growing for 2 years. He had a seizure and when he went into the hospital they discovered this tumor. She goes to school with him at Knoll and since they had to shave his head, apparently like, 30 other people at Knoll shaved their heads for him. Everyone believes he'll make it, there's not a doubt in anyone who knows him that he won't. I'm just really mad I never really got to know him, we talked a bit after camp ended over MSN but that was about it. Shar went out with him for a bit, I think. I just can't believe it. So many things like this have been happening all around me so fast, it's unbelievable.
This guy Matt I know who lives in Georgia - his friend Brandon is in a coma. He just graduated. And I guess some old lady hit him with her car and now he's in a coma, with only 34% chance of living.
It's when things like these happen that you really value your life, and the life of others around you. There's not much that you can do but pray and believe. Pray and Believe, just Pray and Believe. Pray to God that things will get better, Believe in God that He will make things better. You know, I'm not some devout Christian, but when I went and visited my Dad in B.C., he told me that all it takes is one moment - just one moment - that will change your life forever and make you believe in God; make you turn everything over to Him. I'm really starting to see that now, to believe it.

Well, I just wanted to tell everyone about this news.
Pray for Kurt, okay? And for Brandon? People aren't supposed to die young, they're supposed to get old, have a family, have kids, watch their kids grow up and make a family of their own - and then die old. Not like this, not this age. It's just not right. Pray for them, and believe that things will get better. Because one day, they will.


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